Saturday, May 9, 2015

Cubism / Pop Art

Pablo Picasso , Cubism
Interior with a Girl Drawing  1935
Oil on Canvas

 The cubism style was developed through artists Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. It challenged the conventions of representation in painting with geometric planes and compressed space. They usually made their work abstract while still keeping clues that identified the subjects with uses of shapes to redefine the structure of the subject.

This piece by Pablo Picasso is very easy on the eyes for me. To me the colors are very complimentary complimenting the green contrasts with an obvious purple image in the center. The face and body parts as well as painting inside of this are broken into fractions. At first the girl might seem to have 2 faces but it is broken into pieces while still maintaining attached. The canvas in the painting can be seen as an uneven square with lines overlapping where one ends another begins. Even the figure in the background who has no clear figure of a human with their bodies shaped however the artist feels appropriate wether accurate or not. I feel this piece symbolizes a cubism artist practicing what is most natural to them. The green gives off that natural feel. It gives off a sense of calming nature.

Andy Warhol , Pop Art
Campbell's Soup 1962
Synthetic Polymer Paint on Canvas
  Pop Arts style is more of a mockery or an ode to pop culture. They seem to turn propaganda into art. Turning advertisements we are fed in everyday life wether through television , billboards or flyers into works of art challenging our view on the world and society  as consumers.

This piece by Andy Warhol symbolizes societies passion for advertising. He is painting cans of campbell soup which are medium sized paintings that make you feel as if your are browsing through a supermarket catalogue. The colors are simple and accurate to the product. He does not add anything different but stays true to the product of campbell. They are the center of attention with no background or any other figure to throw you off of the main focus. Which is the fact that we love to be sold something. He capitalizes by remaking each can but just adding a different flavor making it a whole new painting.

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